Work in collaboration with my fellow teammates,
Foo Hui Wen
Shirmine Tan
Concept Image

A Moment of Silence is a parklet intended for both humans and ghosts. Located in front of the Substation, the design is derived from the idea of "a resting place" which can refer to a resting area for the living during a journey, or used as a reference to a burial ground for the dead. Through the form of a cloaked forest, feelings of inclusion and marginalization are simultaneously evoked as the presence of invisible entities are felt upon loitering within the space.
Despite it being a shared space, the sense of eerieness that leaves along with the unsuspecting human serves as a reminder that public spaces do not simply exist as static physical entities but are a collection of ideas, actions and environment which ultimately shapes the usage and "ownership" of the space.



Visual Render of Entrance

Intended Atmospheric Render

Proposed Site & Accessibility of Human Flow

Programmes for the Invisible and Visible entities

Exploded View & Plant Species